Technical data sheet for Leptocarpha rivularis

Palo Negro (L. rivularis) is an endemic and native shrub of Chile, belonging to the Asterácea family. This family has important active components such as acetylenes, sesquiterpene, and sesquiterpene lactones. L. Rivularis possesses Leptocarpin (LTC); a sesquiterpene lactone that has been researched for many years, possessing medicinal properties such as antitumor, antineoplastic, and apoptotic activity. Quercetin can also be found as another of its relevant compounds, as it has antiviral, hypoglycaemic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, preventive properties for cardiovascular and anticancer diseases. The studies below highlight the use of Palo Negro infusion in its entirety, due to the synergy of the compounds it possesses.